MIDIFile Converter is a small utility application that is compatible with System 6.x and System 7.x that helps you use MIDIFiles on your Macintosh. Here is the scenario:
1) You download a MIDIFile from America Online.
2) You uncompress the file.
3) You double click the MIDIFile.
4) You are confronted with the “Application Not Found” Dialog Box!!!
Using MIDIFile Converter, you can change the CREATOR information of the MIDIFile so that it:
1) Takes on the proper icon of the application you are using for sequencing.
2) Opens the proper application when double-clicked!
MIDIFile Converter will also be invaluable if you download MIDIFiles from services that support other platforms (IBM, Atari, etc). Many times when you obtain MIDIFiles from these platforms they are totally unrecognizable by most sequencer packages as being MIDIFiles. MIDIFile Converter can change all that.
How To Use It
MIDIFile Converter is really simple to use. Simple double-click the application to launch it then follow the steps below:
1) Select the application you are using from the “Creator:” popup menu. If you don’t see the application you are using in the menu, contact the author to add it in to the next release of MIDIFile Converter and read the “Adding New Creators” section below.
2) Select the MIDIFile you wish to convert.
3) Press the “Convert” Button or press the “Return” or “Enter” key.
NOTE: MIDIFile Converter will convert ANY file to that of a MIDIFile’s type and creator. This can be very dangerous! If you make a mistake and convert the wrong file (ie: like your sister’s resumé) you can still live to tell about it…press the UNDO button. The UNDO button will undo the LAST conversion that took place…this is there just in case of an emergency. (You can thank me later).
4) Repeat steps 1 (or 2) through 3 until you are done. When you are done converting, press the “Quit” button.
NOTE: MIDIFile Converter will remember the application you were converting to last when you quit. This will make it easy for you if you only use one application, you can “set it and forget it.”
Adding New Creators
If you don’t see the name of the Application you are using in the “Creator:” popup menu, you can add them yourself. All I ask is that you DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ALTERED VERSIONS OF MIDIFile Converter!!! Read that last sentence again!!! Here is how to add new creators:
1) Open MIDIFile Converter using ResEdit or Resorcerer.
2) Open the ‘Typs’ resource.
3) Create a new ‘Typs’ resource and give it any ID number you so desire.
4) Name the new ‘Typs’ resource with the name of your application, this is what will appear in the menu.
5) Open the new ‘Typs’ resource and type in the four character creator code of that application.
NOTE: Creators are ALWAYS 4 characters. Make sure you type in 4 characters! If you type in the wrong number of characters I will not be responsible for what happens to your hard disk and all of your files and your new car and your house, etc. Get my drift?
6) Close and save MIDIFile Converter when you are done adding new creators. They will appear in the “Creator:” popup menu when you next launch MIDIFile Converter.
Change History
Version 1.0 - First public release 8/14/91
Version 1.0.1 - Second public release 8/15/91
- Performer was incorrectly defined (as Composer!)
- Added support for Composer, One Step, Upbeat, One Step
Getting In Touch With The Author
You can contact the author, Joe Zobkiw, a number of ways. Here they are listed in order of preferred to least preferred:
America Online: AFL Zobkiw
CompuServe: 70712,515
Internet: 70712.515@compuserve.com
Please send me any comments or bug reports to any of the above addresses, America Online is the best and fastest way to get to me.
I will not be held responsible for any damage caused by this utility. Back up your file before using this utility on any file. Although it shouldn’t cause any problems, there is always the chance of a catastrophic failure.
DO NOT distribute modified copies of this application or Read Me file. If you do want to upload this utility, make sure this Read Me file goes with it.
Firms like EduCorp and any other (except BBSs) that want to distribute this utility on CD-ROM or disk MUST gain permission from the author!